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Kick, Push, Kick, Push, and Crack

Authors: Peter Mitchell Martin, DO, CAQ-SM; Miles Brooks, DO 
Peer Reviewer: R. “Max” Lystrup, MD, CAQ-SM
Editor: Katie Dolbec, MD, CAQ-SM

A 32-year-old male presents with right dorsolateral foot pain after rolling his ankle while skateboarding. While attempting a “fakie kickflip”, his right foot suffered an inversion injury off the board and he had immediate subsequent swelling (Figure 1), dorsolateral foot pain, and inability to bear weight . He had significant tenderness to palpation near his isolated swelling at the dorsolateral foot, proximal to the base of the 5th metatarsal. X-ray of his right foot is performed (Image 2).

Image 1 (Left): Peter Martin’s Image, patient’s right foot 1 hour after injury

Image 2 (Right): Peter Martin’s Image, XR patient’s right foot, oblique


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