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Kitchen Nightmares

Author: Swami Rajaram, MD
Peer-Reviewer: Jeremy Swisher, MD 
Final Editor: Alex Tomesch, MD, CAQ-SM 

A 44-year-old male presents with a left finger laceration sustained while cutting vegetables. He is right-hand dominant and up-to-date on his tetanus.  On exam, there is a 3 cm zone 2 laceration across the base of the left pointer finger. The patient is unable to flex the affected digit at both the DIP and PIP joints. He endorses diminished sensation to the distal fingertip. He has good capillary refill and no evidence of arterial bleeding. 

Image 1. Plain radiograph of the left hand. Case courtesy of Andrew Murphy,, rID: 48226

Image 2. Anatomical zones of the hand. Author’s own images



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