Back it Up - Addressing Low Back Pain
Author: Kalvis Hornburg, MD
Peer-Reviewer: R. Conner Dixon, MD, CAQ-SM
Final Editor: Alex Tomesch, MD, CAQ-SM
A 58-year-old male presents to the Emergency Department complaining of low back pain, progressively worse over the last few days. He states that he first noticed the pain after work about two weeks ago and seems to be worse with movement. He has tried heating pads and tylenol with little improvement.

Image 1. AP and Lateral x-ray views of the lumbar spine. (Case courtesy of Weiling Tan,, rID:166218)
What is your diagnosis?
This is a case of subacute low back pain. Common causes include spondylopathy or arthritis, muscle spasm, lumbar disc pain, and radiculopathy. The lumbar XRs above are normal, and the above diagnoses typically do not have any findings on a plain film XR.
What are important elements to identify in the history?
Eliciting for “red flag symptoms” that would suggest an emergent cause of low back pain should always be the first step. These emergent conditions include cauda equina syndrome, spinal epidural abscess or hematoma, or other structural insufficiency leading to spinal cord compression. Symptoms of cauda equina syndrome include motor or sensory deficits, bowel or bladder incontinence, and saddle anesthesia. Additionally, one should ask about any other neurologic deficits, signs of infection (recent surgery, IVDU), chronic steroid use, recent trauma, and malignancy symptoms (weight loss, cancer history).
For more common causes, identifying positional pain, radicular pain, and muscle spasms can also help narrow your differential.
Pearl: In evaluating for cauda equina with physical exam, rectal tone carries a sensitivity of 80%. Bulbocavernous reflex testing, while a very late sign, is close to 100% sensitive and specific [1].
What physical exam findings can help?
Physical exam can be particularly helpful in differentiating spondylopathy, radiculopathy, muscle spasm and disc inflammation. Start with both palpation of the paraspinal muscles (looking for asymmetry and firmness) and assess ROM.
The straight leg raise test (Image 2A) and crossed straight leg test can be helpful for identifying radicular disc pain. For the straight leg raise test, the patient lays flat while the leg is raised to ~70 degrees with a dorsiflexed ankle, with ipsilateral pain at less than 60 degrees implying a positive test. However, reliability seems to drop off with more advanced age [2].
The stork test (Image 2B) is a common test for spondylopathy, and involves supporting the patient while they stand on one leg and assessing for pain while hyperextending the back.

Image 2. Straight leg raise test (Left, 2A), and Stork test (Right, 2B). Author’s own images.
When is it appropriate to obtain imaging?
Imaging is usually not indicated and is only helpful for patients with red flag symptoms (MRI with contrast), concern for trauma or fracture (CT non-contrast), or in those with greater than 6 weeks of symptoms despite treatment [3].
What is your management in the ED?
Fortunately, initial treatment for any of the non-emergent low back pain conditions is virtually the same. First line management is traditionally NSAIDs (barring any contraindications) [4]. Opiates, steroids, and muscle relaxants are also often used, but with higher risk side effect profiles. Importantly, multiple therapies have not been shown to be significantly better than monotherapies [5]. Other lower risk pharmacologic treatments include lidocaine patches and acetaminophen.
Non-pharmacologic options to discuss with your patients include heat or ice therapy, physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, and traction, though results are varied [6]. It is also important to encourage mobility to prevent muscle stiffness.
What is the typical course for patients presenting with this condition?
Most patients tend to have improvement to resolution within the first 1-2 months.
However, recurrence rates are often very high, particularly in patients with chronic pain and/or with high degree of functional impact, and those patients may benefit from additional referrals to physical therapy and/or orthopedic or spine surgery [8].
Pearl: Patient education and expectation setting is also an important and often overlooked element to the treatment process. Providing home exercise handouts with basic low back exercises can give patients some autonomy with their care and jump start the rehabilitation process, especially if their symptoms persist and/or delays in accessing PT. These handouts are readily available for free via general internet searches or might be part of your institutional discharge summary handouts.
[1] Zusman NL, Radoslovich SS, Smith SJ, Tanski M, Gundle KR, Yoo JU. Physical examination is predictive of cauda equina syndrome: mri to rule out diagnosis is unnecessary. Global Spine J. 2022;12(2):209-214. PMID: 32935582
[2] Qazi SA, Qazi RA, Ahmed T, Rehman L, Javeed F, Aziz HF. The diagnostic accuracy of straight leg raise test in patients more than 60 years of age suffering lumbar disk herniation with low back pain and sciatica. J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2023;14(4):610-614. PMID: 38059256
[3] Hutchins TA, Peckham M, et al. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Low Back Pain: 2021 Update. J Am Coll Radiol. 2021;18(11S):S361-S379. doi:10.1016/j.jacr.2021.08.002 PMID: 34794594
[4] van der Gaag WH, Roelofs PD, Enthoven WT, van Tulder MW, Koes BW. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for acute low back pain. Cochrane database Syst Rev. 2020;4(4):CD013581. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD013581 PMID: 32297973
[5] Friedman BW, Dym AA, Davitt M, et al. Naproxen With Cyclobenzaprine, Oxycodone/Acetaminophen, or Placebo for Treating Acute Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2015;314(15):1572-1580. doi:10.1001/jama.2015.13043 PMID: 26501533
[6] Will JS, Bury DC, Miller JA. Mechanical low back pain. Am Fam Physician. 2018;98(7):421-428. PMID: 30252425
[7] Cohen M, Smit D, Andrianopoulos N, et al. Acupuncture for analgesia in the emergency department: a multicentre, randomised, equivalence and non-inferiority trial. Med J Aust. 2017;206:49T_499. PMID: 28918732
[8] Chenot JF, Greitemann B, Kladny B, Petzke F, Pfingsten M, Schorr SG. Non-specific low back pain. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2017;114(51-52):883-890 PMID: 29321099