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Popeye’s Peril: The Biceps Blowout

Author: Katherine Boehm, DO
Peer-Reviewer: Kareem Shahin, DO
Final Editor: Noopur Basu, MD; Alex Tomesch, MD, CAQ-SM

A 38 year male with no significant past medical history presents for right elbow pain after a skydiving injury. He states that while he was trying to adjust his chute, a gust of wind caught his chute and his arm was jerked straight and he thinks he heard a pop. He has pain and weakness with opening jars. He denies numbness or tingling. On exam his arm appears like Image 1. He has ecchymosis on the medial aspect of his arm. Motor strength reveals 4 / 5 flexion and 3 /5 supination with pain. When his arm is flexed to 90 and he supinates against resistance, there is no cord-like structure on palpation. Radiographic imaging is normal.

Image 1: Physical exam appearance of your patient. Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia commons


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