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Regional Anesthesia Upper Extremity

December  2024

Author: Landon Mueller, MD, CAQ-SM
Peer Reviewer: R. Conner Dixon, MD, CAQ-SM
Final Reviewer: Justine Ko, MD, CAQ-SM

This image was obtained using a linear probe just above the clavicle in the supraclavicular space. These structures are essential to identify when performing a supraclavicular nerve block, and helpful for performing an interscalene nerve block.
A close-up of a greyscale image of a body

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Image 1: Author’s own image.

A person getting an ultrasound scan

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Image 2: Demonstration of the ultrasound technique for this case. Author’s own image.

A 24-year-old male presents after a high-energy ATV rollover. He presents with a gross deformity to his forearm.   

X-ray of a hand

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Image 4: Both bone forearm fracture with displacement, Image courtesy of Jones J, Niknejad M, Bickle I, et al.,, rID: 43378

You decide to perform a supraclavicular nerve block to facilitate reduction and pain control.

We recommend starting by placing the transducer in a roughly transverse position just above the clavicle. Angle the transducer upright. The supraclavicular nerve block is essentially a brachial plexus nerve block. Identify the subclavian artery (and if possible, subclavian vein). The brachial plexus appears as a collection of hypoechoic “grape-like’ structures, typically lateral and superficial to the subclavian artery. Apply color doppler to the area to confirm the hypoechoic structures are the brachial plexus, and not additional blood vessels. Also identify lung slide/pleura, and note the relative depth of these structures.

A close-up of a ultrasound

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Image 5. Ultrasound image of the supraclavicular space including the subclavian artery and brachial plexus, author’s image

A close-up of a ultrasound

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Image 6. Ultrasound image of color doppler confirming subclavian artery vs brachial plexus, author’s image